AmigaActive (422/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 12:13:16
Subject:Re: WarpUp/WarpOs

Hi Kevin,

>> >'lo, good evening, and welcome to the Kevin & Nick show ....
>> ....joining us tonight is star guest Petro Ty-I-Cannee-Spell-Ye-Name-ko.
>Although I think it is pronounced Tie-Chen-ko

Question: Is that a German surname or Russian? I have seen similar Russian
surnames you see... :)

>> >> Hee Hee; I have had an awful thought - I don't think my Dad will be home
>> >> that time, dammit. Well he'll just have to be home ;))
>> >
>> >lol, you tell him ....
>> Can't at the moment, he's five miles away :))
>So why did we invent the telephone? ;-)

For a bloomin great laff :) Also as a device for double glazing salesman, ummm,
the Internet and that's it. You're not telling me to actually ring people up
on it are you? ;)))

>> >Nooo! Don't use 40.16, use 43.6 instead! Much better!
>> Okee Dokee....
>> digs out Dev CD 1.2 :)

I seem to be digging out a lot of stuff....

...hand me the shovel Jones! :))

>> >> Paraglide, that should be here soon.
>> >
>> >Ha!
>> Hee Hee, rather like Fusion PPC and PCx PPC, and umm, everything else!! :))

>Everything else I've pre-ordered? Like Simon the Sorceror 2?

With me, it's stuff that doesn't work... :)) Well not initially. :))

>> >Or if you do want to get to them, you have a lot of digging to do?
>> Yes. :) I`d need a pick axe as well, to get through all the cables and everything...

>> not literally, the more I stuff in the more I have to take out... :)
>My A4000 is just like that! And it's full too, despite being in a bloody
>big tower case :-(

How on *earth* did I suvive without my A1200 in a tower?!?!

All the best,

/// Omega Research UK Amiga Software Developers
__ /// -------------------------------------------
\\\/// Nick Lamburn
\/// ----------------------------------------------


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